Team Heretic Dinofox Wiki

This is a experimental record of pre-beginning prequels to the Aquamarinear species known to humanity as the Sirens. In no way what so ever will this actually be satisfactory to its clamed tittle "full history" and since its still in alpha this prequel may have canon issues, false information, and much confusion for those who spend more then a month not involved in the viewing of the whole sci-fi story, aka I the author as well. It is for this reason it is in writing as a blog and is not intended to be a page. Note also this is a history of the people not the planet.

  • 74 million years ago: Beginning.

At this time the species begin their existent life on their home world, how ever at this point they don't have arms, but instead front flippers. They are deadly ocean carnivores that hunt in packs to bring down and eat animals over 10 times their size as well as tinny fish and shrimp. Animals that today are their pets lived with them symbiotically and they did not eat them just the same. Aside from meat they also ate plants with undigestable cellulose as well as swallowing undigestable pebbles to help with digestion.

  • 48 million years ago: sentience

By this point a adult is already more intelligent then a modern human adolescent, however their front limbs are still not proper for gripping so they cannot develop Lower Paleolithic tools. Instead they continue to live much like real world wolves, hunting, playing, baby sitting, and sleeping still being their ruteen life stile. Though their front flippers are becoming more dexterous as they sometimes attempt to use them instead of their jaws. A actual language already exist in the form of songs rather then just a form of communication.

  • 40000 years ago: Hunting tactics and playing tactics already well developed play has long long been more then just methods of learning but for pure entertainment. Actual traditional sports are beginning, stories are told. The most popular sports are played by using objects in their envirment as toys, and the greatest and most popular challenge is to move the toys around with out the use of the jaws as well as they can. As generations passed on these games using the front limbs became easier and easier, and less and less a challenge.

  • 32000 years ago: Stone age.

As they found using their newly formed hands easy they found the objects they have been playing with can be made into tools to help them hunt, help them have a advantage in cammo, help them remember where they are, and help them make weapons to fight things single handedly they normally struggle to fight in groups of 10. Their tools often made of stone, bone, coral, shell, tooth, kelp, and the skin of their prey, lead to the development of art. At this point braiding the kelp was already in existence, but now is done almost entirely with their hands.

  • 28800 years ago: Sapphire becomes the leader of his first family, and his son inherits his clan.

  • 27644 years ago: Electricity is discovered. Tribes believe it can be harnessed and used the same as the sea animal that tried to kill and eat the one who is said to discover it. Experiments to discover ways to use it often end in failures that lead to those who attempt it being boiled alive, injured, and even killed by electric shock in the water. But in the end it is a success.

  • 27600 years ago: masters of mettle.

With primitive electric tools becoming a success it is soon discovered the best tool for using it is mettle, which with electricity they find they can heat until red and water around it boils then beat with a rock to shape. More and more methods are found until proper mettle tools are made. A iron age doesn't truly happen as iron rusts in the sea, bronze silver and gold are primary for making weapons armor jewelry and electric tools, steel is first developed as a way to have the strength of iron with out the corrosion in water. At this point fortified shelters are semi entirely replacing or enhancing cave dwelling life.

  • 27300 years ago: Civilization:

At this time clans live in proper villages and small towns, agriculture is developed and laws are in written languages. In some parts of the world every clan of a nation are forming together giving birth to proper states governed by a king or queen.

  • 24257: Devine intervention. The planet Aquamarine is visited by Gods. During this time their are 11 kingdoms. The Gods teach the 11 governors of the 11 states how to care for the health of their planet while also caring for their own people in a way that benefits them both. Then before they depart back into the spirit world they grant the leaders of the mortals 11 tridents as a gift, symbolizing dominion over the sea and promising a destiny of greatness. Because of the power in those 11 tridents those countries still exist today as world powers on the planet, the greatest world power being the Sapphirians.

  • 15000 years ago: Ranged weapons. Tools are being developed to fire a projectile weapon farther then can be thrown. After watching wild life ideas are made to find a way. One method is a tool called the spring, which leads to bow like weapons and catapult like implements, while another is air pressurized in the water, which leads to air-guns and air-cannons. Both tools are still primitive proto types.

  • 10000 years ago: Explosive weapons: Ways are found to make air under water pressurize to the point of releasing a explosion, ways are found to mix purified flammable gas such as methane with dried out chemicals such as sulfur, pressurize it, and make it explode. Bio plastic is also developed at this age.

  • 5790 years ago: Industrial revolution. It is discovered that electricity can be used to make proper machines that increase production. Soon factories, moaters, engines, and ships where produced. This also lead to new weapons such as the torpedo. Latter the railgun would have its first proto types.

  • 5700 years ago: The atomic age. It is discovered that splitting a atom can release devastating amounts of energy, how ever also causing some of the worlds first pollution. Envirmentaly safe methods of utilizing this energy was for decades the subject of debate.

  • 5100 years ago: age of flight. Driven by curiosity to study what is above water arose methods of finding ways to fly. This lead to the development of planes used to take photos of islands from the sky and study weather. Balloons proven easy to craft as a additional marking device in supporting weather studies.

5000 years ago: Exo-suites. Driven by curiosity to study the island land methods to explore land with out sending a robot where in experiment. However at this time they had failed.

  • 4400 years ago: Space age. Not satisfied with merely exploring the sky scientist wanted to explore space. Space shuttles where developed to get a look around in orbit, sattlights where used in orbit as balloons once where in the sky.

  • 3000 years ago: Star system manual exploration and colonization. During this time the population on Aquamarine was 1/15th what the human population is today on real life modern earth. Because of the population crises scientist calculated this would put a end to tribal life and force the beginning of true city life. Unwilling to except this rather then seeking a way to moderate population they began work on project exodus, and built space boats capable of using jets to get high in the sky, rockets to jump out of their planets grip of orbit once altitude is to much for jets, and then finally a mix of solar power and nuclear power to power ion thrusters to continue on deep outside the influence of orbit. Other terrestrial bodies and places in open sections between planets had space stations built hear. They remained at this work for a long time until space boats became space ships. They did not leave their star system manually however they did send unmanned crafts to do so instead. Slip space is not invented yet.

  • 1800 years ago: Human space explorers find unmanned crafts from Aquamarine, and take them onboard for study.

  • 472 years ago: Human space explorers find Aquamarine and land on the planet. They know sentient beings are hear but for the first 4 weeks they can't find them, only a message that translates "You have permission to dive", and aside from that the language barrier was a major challenge. For 4 months they set camp on the planet and studied some life forms, and each day they can hear the most enchantingly beautiful and mysterious songs they ever heard. They could not understand the language but they could tell the songs where calling to them, pleading for them to come. Continuing to try communication devices only brought confusing messages. The human explorers would talk to each other before bed about the songs. "I swear their for us, I know I heard my name! Perhaps they are the songs of angles of the sea luring us in, plotting to carry our souls to davy jones! Eventually one human was brave enough to follow the songs, and after proper translation called to them. The natives shown them selves to him, explaining that they where trying to get ahold of them the whole time. When asked why they did not use their exo-suits to come on land the natives replied "You seemed frightened, and we didn't want to make it worse."

  • 452 years ago: Humans planned on further diplomatic meetings with the people of the planet, how ever this is canceled dew to empirical crises and the matter is forgotten.

  • 165 years ago Prince Sapphire the 72cond is born.

  • 92 years ago: King Sapphire the 71st dies, his son choses to let his country have alittle more liberty then claiming full power.